4 Tips Attracting Wildlife in your Garden Space


There are many homeowners who take every step imaginable to ensure that all signs of outdoor life are absent from their gardens. There are others, however, who love the presence of bird, butterflies, bunnies and other backyard visitors if you are a gardener that loves your outdoor critters, the following guide will help you create a garden haven that will attract these furry and flying friends. In some cases, you will need to move your garden in order to attract wildlife.

The fact is that you need to encourage visits from wildlife in your garden with the plants and other features that you add. Some tips to ensure you attract wildlife in your garden can be found here.


You should have a mix of plants in your garden. If you plant a variety of items you can essentially set up a complex mini ecosystem that will be appealing to the animals and birds in your area. Neglecting to plot out the type of plants you are going to use can lead to big problems in the future.

If you are uncertain about what you need to do, consulting with professionals like The Tree Center is a great idea. With this type of help, you can get the right trees and plants in place with ease.

Leave it Messy

While you may appreciate the appearance of a neat and tidy garden space, you will attract more wildlife if you leave it a bit untidy. It is definitely tempting to remove the faded and droopy flowers; however this is a huge draw for birds. Additionally, brush piles will attract butterflies and many other types of creatures.

You will probably be tempted to clean this area up thoroughly, but this may lead to you being unable to attract wildlife to this space. Over time, you will be able to figure out what elements need to be left and which ones can be removed when it comes to attracting new wildlife.

Add Some Cover

You will have many more wildlife visitors if you provide a protected or covered area. This can be accomplished with trees, shrubs or even a wall covered with vines. The key is to have a hiding place that animals can escape to when they feel threatened.

There are a variety of companies out there that will be able to help you plant larger trees to shade your garden. While this type of professional will require you to spend some money, it is well worth it. Generally, DIY landscaping jobs will result in a lot of mistakes and possible injuries.

Use Native Plants

If you want to attract local wildlife, you should use native plants. The plants you add to your garden will not only provide the ambiance for your space, but will also play a large role in the animals that you can attract. If you want to focus on birds, you need to ensure that you have a sheltered area with fresh water, where the birds can safely nest. If it is butterflies you seek, you should focus on bright, animated flowers. Butterflies are naturally attracted to motion and color. They also need warmer temperatures and spaces to sun themselves, such as flat rocks. Adding the appropriate elements will ensure that you attract the wildlife you desire.

Some of the most important things you can do include creating a welcoming habitat for animal and insect visitors by adding cover and the proper types of plants. Using the tips here will help you accomplish this and provide a space where you can relax and watch the natural wildlife and other visitors to your garden. Working with seasoned landscaping professionals is a great way to get the guidance and the help needed to turn your outdoor area into an oasis. Getting some onsite estimates will help you figure out which company is the right fit.

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