Hamptons Style Homes, a Design Classic

Houses in the Hamptons are recognised the world over for their style and luxury, and it is no wonder that this style of home is often replicated. There are several design features that make homes in the Hamptons so unique, and when these features are used in the design of Australian homes, it can br

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Things To Consider When Extending Your Home

Every homeowner seeks to either jazz up the interiors or widen the living space, but many make the mistake of undertaking such a major project without proper planning. There are several things to consider including planning your extension, magnetic particle inspection, the materials to use, and your

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For the home: Building an eco home theatre

Home theatres make up a growing trend in many homes that have that extra room, den or basement the calls for a larger role than merely storage space. Better yet, a home theatre room can be accessorized with eco-friendly or green components that don't leech as much energy nor threaten the family with

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Refurbishing an old table

Antique tables come in a number of styles, designs and ages and many have the potential to be refurbished, however refurbishing a table requires a great deal of care and planning.  Read on and we will tell you how to upcycle tired old tables and make them valuable, ‘modern’ pieces.

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Bring a piece of India into your home

Many of us like to bring inspiration from other countries into our homes to remind us of holidays or just because we enjoy the décor of different countries. Indian design is a modern trend as it is very colourful with a lot of strong patterns, gold and rich fabric. Gain inspiration on Indian

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The Benefits of Wooden Flooring

If you are planning on replacing the flooring within your home, you may want to consider wooden flooring. Many people overlook this type of flooring as they think it’s too expensive, but actually wood floors can last for hundreds of years, and have so many great benefits. Not only does it add

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