Mortgages Overseas

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FREE OVERSEAS PROPERTY MORTGAGE ADVICE work with the best overseas mortgage specialists that offer a range of solutions to help you buy or remortgage so that you can buy property in a range of countries. Ideal for buying a holiday home, second home overseas or retirement abroad. Find the best rates for offering French Mortgages, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and mortgages in the USA including Florida mortgages . Receive free no obligation advice about remortgaging with our team, learn how to get a mortgage abroad and international mortgages

We have teamed up with a leading overseas mortgage specialist to bring you a selection of overseas mortgage products available many with FREE decision

Wherever you are looking to buy an investment property or a holiday home abroad we are sure to have a mortgage product to match your requirements.

Arranging an overseas mortgage abroad

When using an overseas mortgage specialists you can get a real feel for that market and how buying a property in that country really works. They can often help with list of reputable estate agents or lawyers to use as well give you more options to consider than your local bank

Mortgage rates in some areas of the eurozone are far lower than in the UK, especially in established property markets with a wide range of mortgage providers, so you might get a better deal by borrowing abroad.

Do your homework: you should analyse and compare a range of different products and services offered by different lending companies. Do not automatically take a mortgage recommended by the seller or their agent. If you have any doubts about the terms and conditions, ask the lender to clarify.

Look for the mortgage which is most appropriate for your capabilities and needs. There are a range of mortgages on offer and you should pay special attention to the interest rate and repayment period, fees for setting up the mortgage as well as early repayment and cancellation fees. Obtain an ‘Agreement in Principle’ for your mortgage before agreeing to purchase the property, or before signing any contracts and paying a deposit.

Remember your mortgage will probably be in the local currency and you must consider the impact of fluctuations in exchange rates. However, if the intention is to receive rental income from the property, this may also be in the local currency. Make sure you fully understand the mortgage agreement you sign. overseas mortgage advice


UK buyers should be aware that overseas mortgage brokers are not covered by the Financial Conduct Authority, so you would struggle to get any compensation if you were given poor advice. You should also consider the repercussions of borrowing in a foreign currency. If you do so, exchange rate fluctuations would affect your repayments.

Buying property abroad to get on the property ladder

mortgages overseas img 2 have seen an increase in young UK buyers searching to find overseas mortgages to buy property abroad. Unable to afford the house price in the UK these buyers are finding that buying a home overseas is an ideal way to get on the property ladder. Comparing property prices against regions such as France, Spain, Portugal Italy and Florida you can see why this has become an attractive option.

Consider local taxes and charges

You must pay income tax on rent you receive. You may be liable to pay tax both in the country itself and in the UK – although there are national agreements that mean you won’t pay the same tax twice. Visit our guide to how rental income is taxed for more information.

You will have to pay capital gains tax when you sell the property if it’s not your main home, although in many countries this is reduced or waived depending on how long you’ve owned the property. 

Inheritance tax could be payable by your heirs when you die, though this no longer applies in some countries, such as Italy

You’ll also be liable for the local equivalent of council tax. Our guide tax on overseas property explains more.

Be sure to budget for buying costs, such as mortgage and lawyers’ fees, taxes and insurance.

Currency Fluctuations can cost you thousands

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Consider the impact of fluctuations of the local currency against Euros, Pounds Sterling or US Dollars and how any changes may affect your interest rate rises on your repayments. Exchange rate changes – even a small change to the exchange rate could drastically affect the value of your purchase. This could make a property – or your mortgage repayments – unaffordable overnight. You can find a list of Top Foreign Currency Companies here 

Useful article Daily Telegraph – How to save money on overseas mortgages

Use an independent translator/interpreter

If you don’t have a good understanding of the language of the country in which you’re intending to buy make sure that you get all contracts and relevant documentation translated by an independent translator and that an interpreter accompanies you to all meetings. Be wary of using a translator or interpreter that has been recommended by the agent or lawyer

Buying Property Abroad

If you are arranging finance on a overseas property, ensure that this is stated in any contract and, where possible, seek an ‘opt-out clause’ if the loan is not agreed (which will ensure any deposit paid is refunded).

Beware developers and the hard sell – don’t succumb to heavy pressure to sign up with a deposit before you’ve had a chance to think carefully and get independent advice.

Check the paperwork – make sure that you have all the necessary permissions, licences and planning consents before you sign any form of contract or agreement. Advice and essential tips can found at UK government Mortgages buying abroad

Mortgage Terms – Glossary Jargon Buster

Entering the world of mortgages, mortgage brokers and lending companies that help secure an overseas mortgage can mean being presented with terms that many professional take for granted as everyday language. In fact some mortgage-related jargon can be misleading and complicated. We provide a useful list of mortgage terms in our glossary .

Agreement in principle (AIP)
A document from a mortgage lender confirming that you will be able to borrow a certain amount. You can use this to prove to a seller that you can afford to buy their property. 

Annual percentage rate: the overall cost of a mortgage, including the interest and fees. It assumes you will have the mortgage for the whole term, so may not be a useful way to compare deals. 

Arrangement fee
A set-up fee for your mortgage. Most mortgage lenders will allow you to add this fee to the loan, but this will mean you pay interest on it for the whole mortgage term. Read more on mortgage fees.

Base rate
A rate of interest set by the Bank of England, which tracker mortgages and standard variable rate mortgages usually follow.

Booking fee
A type of mortgage set-up fee. Read more on mortgage fees.

An adviser who can help you arrange a mortgage. Be aware that some brokers will get paid more commission for recommending certain deals than others; also, some of the best mortgage deals are only available if you apply directly.

The amount of money you borrow to buy a property.

Cashback mortgage
Your lender gives you a certain amount of cash on completion. You should factor this into the total cost of your mortgage over the initial period to decide whether it’s a good deal.

Current account mortgage (Cam)
Your mortgage, credit card and loan debts and your current and savings account balances are combined into one account. Your credit balances offset your debts so you only pay interest on the difference. These are usually more expensive than conventional mortgages.

Discounted-rate mortgage
A discounted-rate deal is one where the interest rate you are charged is a set amount less than your mortgage lender’s standard variable rate (SVR). For example, if the lender has an SVR of 5.5% and the discount is 1%, then you will pay 4.5%. Read more about discount mortgages.

Endowment mortgage
A form of interest-only mortgage where you also pay money into a type of investment called an endowment to pay off the mortgage at the end of the term. Read more about interest-only mortgages.

The amount of the property that you own outright, ie your deposit plus the capital you’ve paid off on your mortgage.

Equity release scheme
An equity release scheme allows older homeowners to release the cash tied up in their property. There are two types: lifetime mortgages and home-reversion schemes. These schemes should only be taken out after getting independent financial advice.

Fixed-rate mortgage
The mortgage interest rate stays the same for the initial period of the deal, which can be anything from one to 10 years. This means you can be sure of exactly what you will be paying on your mortgage each month, as your rate won’t go up – or down – with the Bank of England base rate. 

Flexible mortgage
A flexible mortgage deal allows you to overpay, underpay or even take a payment holiday from your mortgage. This can help you pay your mortgage off early and save money on interest, but flexible mortgages are usually more expensive than conventional ones. 

You own the building and the land it stands on. Find out more about buying a freehold property.

A third party who agrees to meet the monthly mortgage repayments if you are unable to. This is most common with first-time buyers, and the guarantor is usually their parent or guardian. Read more about guarantor mortgages.

Higher lending charge (HLC)
This is sometimes charged by your mortgage lender if you are borrowing more than 75% of the property’s value. It protects the lender against you defaulting on your mortgage.

Interest-only mortgage
You only pay the interest on your mortgage each month, without repaying any of the capital loan itself. The idea is that you build up enough money to be able to pay off the mortgage at the end of the term in other ways – for example through investing in stocks and shares, pension endowment or the sale of another property. Read more about interest-only mortgages.

An adviser who can help you arrange a mortgage. Be aware that some intermediaries will get paid more commission for recommending certain deals than others; also, some of the most competitive mortgage deals are only available if you apply directly.

You own the building but not the land it stands on, and only for a certain period (anything up to 999 years). You may find it hard to get a mortgage if there are fewer than 70 years left on the lease of the property you want to buy. Find out more about buying a leasehold property.

Loan-to-value (LTV)
The size of your mortgage as a percentage of the property’s value. The cheapest deals tend to be available to people who are borrowing 60% or less.

Monthly repayment

The amount you pay your mortgage lender each month. If you’re on a repayment mortgage (the most common kind), the payment will cover a percentage of your mortgage plus interest.

Mortgage deed
A formal contract between lender and borrower, outlining the legal obligations of the borrower and the rights the lender has if the borrower fails to make a repayment.

Mortgage payment protection insurance (MPPI)
Insurance that covers your mortgage, usually for a year, if you are unable to work due to accident, sickness or unemployment. It is also know as ASU insurance. Read more about mortgage insurance.

Mortgage term

The amount of time you are taking the mortgage out for; 25 years, for example

Negative equity

When the value of your home falls to a level which is below the amount remaining on your mortgage.

Offset mortgage
An offset mortgage links your mortgage with your savings and, sometimes, your current account. Your credit balances are offset against your mortgage debt so you only pay interest on the difference, while also paying off the capital. Read more about offset mortgages.

A portable mortgage will allow you to transfer your borrowing from one property to another if you move, without paying arrangement fees.

Rebuild cost
For insurance purposes: the cost of rebuilding your home if it is destroyed.

When you change your mortgage without moving house. You can do this to save money, to change to a different type of mortgage or to release equity from your home.

Repayment mortgage

You pay off the mortgage interest and part of the capital of your loan each month. Unless you miss any repayments, you are guaranteed to have paid off the mortgage by the end of the term. 

Repayment vehicle
Required by lenders if you take out an interest-only mortgage, this is the means by which you’re intending to pay off your mortgage at the end of the term – for example, another property, or a stocks and shares portfolio. Read more about interest-only mortgages.

Standard variable rate (SVR)
The default mortgage interest rate your lender will charge after your initial mortgage deal period ends. This could be higher or lower than your original rate. 

Valuation survey
Lenders always carry out a valuation survey to check whether the property is worth roughly the amount you’re paying for it. You should always have your own survey done too, to check for structural problems. Read more about property surveys.

Variable-rate mortgage
The interest rate on your mortgage can go up or down according to your lender’s standard variable rate. Read more about standard variable rate mortgages.


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