Property For Sale Zaláta,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Zaláta

2 bed Property for sale

House in Zaláta, Baranya, Hungary

$33,568 | £24,146 | €27,777
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds

The house is in good order and you can move in quickly. You step from the covered veranda into the kitchen, or into a (living) room. From this room you can go to the other two rooms. From the kitchen you can go to the other rooms, but also to the bathroom and the utility room.

The plot is 2,462 m2 and in the garden some outbuildings such as the garage, a workshop, storage and the former barns of the farm. In the garden many fruit trees of kiwi, olive, peach, apple, pear, plum, walnut etc. etc.

Facilities such as electricity and water are there. For the drainage there is the septic tank. The house is heated with the wood stove. Internet and/or telephone can be connected.

It is almost impossible to go further south. Zaláta is located one and a half km from the Drave and the Hungarian-Croatian border. A village with 300 inhabitants with a lot of tranquillity and few shopping options. For that you have to go to the larger town of Sellye and here also a thermal bath.
A little further is Harkány and Szentlőrinc, well-known places for a bath or the beach. Less than 30 km away you arrive in the city of Szigetvár where the large chain stores are located, but where you can also find the bustle of the "city". Great for a terrace or going out for dinner and then ….. quickly return to the peace and quietness of your Hungarian House.

House is in good order and on a nice plot with many fruit trees.

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