Property For Sale Zádor,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Zádor

1 bed Property for sale

House in Zádor, Baranya, Hungary

$19,327 | £13,902 | €15,993
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 1Beds

The house is not large, but quite complete. Covered veranda, living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. Everything fits perfectly in the 50m2 and yet not small. The house is neat and the windows and doors are of plastic. A central heating system was installed in 2019.

The plot is quite large with a 2,980 m2, but about half is planted with acacia trees. Low maintenance and wood for heating in future.

Electricity and water are available. For drainage there is a connection to the septic tank. The house is centrally heated on wood. It is possible to connect a telephone and/or Internet.

Zádor is located far in the south of Hungary. lovely quiet village with little less than 400 inhabitants. Located 15-20 km from the larger towns of Barcs and Szigetvár. Here you can do all major shopping or you can go to the (thermal) swimming pool. Also have a drink on a terrace or go out for dinner. For golf enthusiasts it is nice to know that the international course of Hencse is located at little more than 25 km.

Not very big, but neat and complete house.

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