Property For Sale Varbó,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Varbó

2 bed Property for sale

House in Varbó, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hungary

$55,280 | £39,765 | €45,745
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds

The house offers you the hall, a living room, 2 bedrooms, the kitchen and the bathroom.
The foundation is in good condition. The roof is also in order although a few beams will need to be replaced in the (near) future.

The plot is 1.067 m2 and is completely fenced. There is a garage. The first part is paved, but behind it many trees and plants.

Electricity, water and gas are available. For drainage there is a connection to the sewerage system. The house is centrally heated by a gas central stove. Telephone and Internet can be connected.

Varbó is a village with over 1,000 inhabitants. Beautifully located next to the Bükk Nemzeti park so really a place for nature lovers. The caves of Lillafüred are always nice to see and at 25 km you will find the city of Miskolc where you can enjoy (extensive) shopping and enjoy everything a big city can offer you.

Varbó Lake is a 2-3 minute walk from Varbó and is popular with (local) fishermen and tourists because of its untouched nature, silence and beautiful landscape.

Just a neat house which can be a great house for holidays, but certainly also permanent residence.

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