Property For Sale Teresztenye,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Teresztenye

2 bed Property for sale

House in Teresztenye, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hungary

$26,638 | £19,161 | €22,043
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds

The house is not very big with two rooms, but here a chimney which is normally only in a museum. Very special property.

Electricity and water are available. Gas is on the plot. For the drainage there is a connection to the sewerage. There is a tiled stove for heating.

Teresztenye is one of the smallest villages in Hungary with about 10 (permanent) inhabitants.

Teresztenye is located north of the Aggtelek Mountains with a limestone plateau on the south side. Located in a cathedral like valley. Time stood still here.

Village is surrounded by the huge quiet forests. Here, in spring and summer, there is a well of steadily flowing water from a cave of 7 km long and many fish and trout live in the water.
The clean air and especially the silence, the unspoiled natural environment make it a special place for a (holiday) house and for example for keeping bees.

Teresztenye is located 60 km north of Miskolc and is part of the Unesco heritage sites.

Very special house in a very special area.

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