Property For Sale Teklafalu,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Teklafalu

2 bed Property for sale

House in Teklafalu, Baranya, Hungary

$17,007 | £12,234 | €14,074
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds

If you see the photos, you know there is a lot to do in the house, but the house lends itself to it. Structure is still quite good and you can renovate it step by step.

In the house three rooms, kitchen and bathroom. Next to the house large outbuildings and a garage.

The plot is no less than 8,318 m2 in size and fairly wide by Hungarian standards. From the back of the garden you have a beautiful view to the forest.

Facilities such as electricity and water are available. For the drainage there is a septic tank. The heating is now controlled by stoves. Telephone and/or Internet connection is possible.

You will find this house in the village of Teklafalu, a village with almost 400 inhabitants located in the southwest of Hungary. 10-20 km from the larger towns of Szigetvár and Barcs where you can do all major shopping. In Szigetvár there is also a swimming pool (also thermal bath), you can go to a restaurant, a terrace, etc. For golf lovers there is the beautiful golf course of Hence at 30 km.

Quite a fixer, but the plot makes it special.

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