Property For Sale Tarcal,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Tarcal

1 bed Property for sale

Woning in Tarcal, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hungary

$18,536 | £13,333 | €15,338
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 1Beds

The house is always well maintained and it shows. A nice house with a living room, bedroom, kitchen with pantry and bathroom.

The plot is 810 m2. Small by Hungarian standards, but with the advantage of not too much on maintenance. Some barns in the garden.

Facilities such as electricity, gas and water are available. There is a septic tank for drainage. The house is centrally heated (on gas). Internet and telephone connection is possible.

Tarcel is in the wine region of the Northeast. More than 3,000 inhabitants live in Tarcel and it is large enough to do your shopping.
Points of interest in Tarcal are Tokaji Galeria and Andrassy Castle. Taracal is also a town known for its restaurants.

Small but nice house for a very friendly price.

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