Property For Sale Somogytarnóca,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Somogytarnóca

2 bed Property for sale

House in Somogytarnóca, Somogy, Hungary

$31,113 | £22,381 | €25,747
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds

The house is not bad, but in need of a makeover. In 2017, a few windows and doors were fitted with plastic and the central heating was installed. With some work you can move in fairly quickly.

You enter in the hall and then you can go to the dining room which also adjoins the kitchen. From the hall on the other side to the living room and adjacent to this are the two bedrooms and the bathroom.

Electricity and water are available. For drainage there is a connection to the sewerage. Gas can be connected from the street. The house is centrally heated with a wood-burning stove. Connecting telephone and Internet is no problem.

Somogytarnóca is a village north of Barcs. This larger city is 5 km away. In Barcs all options for shopping and relaxing. In Somogytarnóca itself there is a doctor's office, a post office and various shops.

Nice house with possibilities to move in quickly.

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