Property For Sale Nekézsny,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Nekézsny

3 bed Property for sale

Property in excellent condition with lots of space.

$59,157 | £42,553 | €48,952
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ForSale SqFt Area 2Baths 3Beds

The house is a typical two-storey house, but attention has been paid to the quality and appearance. Looks very good. Downstairs 2 rooms, kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Nice for a guest house or rental.
Upstairs 3 rooms, kitchen with pantry and bathroom with toilet.

The plot is 800 m2. Not very large, but also low maintenance. Quite a nice garden and there is an outbuilding with a garage and cellar. Also a water well.

Facilities such as electricity (also 380V), gas and water are available. There are gas convectors for heating. For drainage there is a connection to the sewerage system. Internet and telephone is no problem.

Property has a street on one side, so no direct neighbours.

The village is called Nekézsny and is located in the northern mountain area. There are 900 inhabitants and the larger villages / towns are Szilvásvárad (known by the horses) at an 8 km, Lillafüred famous for the caves at 16 km and the real big city Miskolc at 17 km. Everything in the immediate area and there is a lot to do. You can enjoy hiking or mountain biking and in the tourist area it is fine.

This house is great to move into immediately. Even with two families / generations.

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