Property For Sale Mályinka,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Mályinka

1 bed Property for sale

House in Mályinka, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hungary

$27,199 | £19,565 | €22,507
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 1Beds

The house offers you two rooms. The great room has new plastic doors and windows. In the other room there are still the old wooden beams and here too the windows and doors have been replaced. From this room we enter the kitchen, the pantry, the bathroom and toilet
The photos show that the renovation has been completed till the bathroom. It has yet to be tiled.

The plot is 1,184 m2 and there is an outbuilding. Good to know is that access to the house is possible through a common yard. A right of way has been registered for this.

Water and electricity are available. For drainage there is a connection to the sewerage system. The stove can be used for heating. Internet and/or telephone connection is possible.

You will find this house in Mályinka. Very nice location. Mályinka is located directly at the Bükk National Park and is therefore part of the Lázbérc lake nature area which is a pure fisherman's paradise. Very beautiful landscape through the surrounding mountains which also protect against weather influences.

A 550 inhabitants are living in Mályinka and you can easily do the daily shopping here. At a 45 (car) minutes from Miskolc and Eger and a 40 minutes from Ózd. Szilvásvárad is also not far.

Nice fixer-upper where a lot has already been done.

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