Property For Sale Lakócsa,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Lakócsa

1 bed Property for sale

House in Lakócsa, Somogy , Hungary

$17,303 | £12,447 | €14,319
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 1Beds

In the house a living room, bedroom, kitchen, toilet and bathroom. The roof was re-laid six years ago and the attic is insulated.

The plot is approximately 1,800 m2. It is fairly wide because it is a double plot. In the garden some outbuildings including the former summer kitchen and the old stables.

Water and electricity are available. There is a septic tank for drainage. The house is now heated with a stove. Connecting telephone and Internet is no problem.

Lakócsa is located at the bottom of Somogy province, almost against Baranya. Is a village with 600 inhabitants with a shop where you can do your daily shopping. The town of Szigetvár (to the north) is 20 km away. To the west you are with a 25-30 km in the town of Barcs. This area borders close to Croatia. In Szigetvár plenty of opportunities to do the larger purchases, but also to go to a restaurant, have a drink on a terrace or relax in the (thermal) swimming pool. For golf enthusiasts it is good to know that the golf course of Hence is 35 km away.

Nice house, not too big, but a great house for holiday or permanent living.

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