Property For Sale Lad,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Lad

1 bed Property for sale

House on a plot of no less than 14,825 m2.

$31,732 | £22,826 | €26,259
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 1Beds

In the house a living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. Not big, but pretty neat. Built in 1910 it is a local monument.

The plot is 14.825m2 and very suitable if you want to live self-sufficiently. Next to the house is a large shed.

Water and electricity are available. For drainage there is a septic tank. The house is heated with a wood-fired central heating system. Telephone and/or Internet can be connected.

Lad van be found north of Szigetvár. Village with 600 inhabitants located on the border of the Zselic and in a forested area. Szigetvár is the larger town and it is located 15 km from Lad. In Szigetvár all the conveniences of a larger city to do your shopping at the large retail chains, but also great for going out for dinner, having a drink on a terrace or visiting the (thermal) swimming pool. At less than 7 km from Lad you will find the Hencse golf course. great if you like to hit a ball.

This house with a plot of almost 1.5 hectares offers excellent opportunities.

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