Property For Sale Hévíz,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Hévíz

2 bed Property for sale

House in Hévíz, Zala, Hungary

$163,194 | £117,391 | €135,044
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ForSale SqFt Area 2Baths 2Beds

On the plot there are two buildings and a cellar. The first house is 63 m2 and there is the terrace and the veranda, the hallway, living room, bedroom and bathroom with shower-WC.
The second house is 50 m2 and there is also a terrace, a living room, bedroom and toilet.

Also on the plot is a big garage (60 m2) with a workshop.

The plot is 2,452 m2 and nicely maintained with many flowers and (fruit) trees. The plot is accessible from two streets.

Water and electricity are available, gas can be connected from the street. Connecting telephone and Internet is no problem.

Hévíz is of course known for its thermal lake and there is something to do here all year round. Various shops, restaurants and terraces. Doctor's post, bank, etc. Hévíz offers you a lot.
At a 5 km from the city of Keszthely where you will find all major retail chains and also a pleasant centre. A visit to the castle is worthwhile. Keszthely is located directly at Lake Balaton, so water fun is guaranteed.

Just for the beautiful view you should go here and have a look.

This house is located on the vineyard of Egregy, in the countryside and must therefore be purchased through a preferential arrangement whereby the procedure can take about 8-9 months.

Price is in Euro

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