Property For Sale Felsőszentmárton,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Felsőszentmárton

3 bed Property for sale

House in Felsőszentmárton, Baranya, Hungary -

$23,396 | £16,829 | €19,360
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 3Beds

The house offers you the hall / living room, three bedrooms kitchen and bathroom. Behind the house several outbuildings such as the former stables and barns. The plot is 1,759 m2.

Structurally, the house is in good condition.

Electricity and water are available. For drainage there is a septic tank. The house is heated with the wood stove. Telephone and Internet can be connected.

Felsőszentmárton is a medium-sized town in southwestern Hungary. Located 1.5 km from the river Drava and 20-25 km from the larger towns of Barcs and Szigetvár where you can do all the better shopping, but also go to a swimming pool (also thermal bath), to a restaurant, a terrace etc. For golf enthusiasts there is the beautiful golf course of Hence at 40 km.

This part of the Croatian-Hungarian border area is part of the "Iron Curtain" route, an international cycle route network.

Good house for not too much money. Grab your chance!

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