Property For Sale Felsőszentmárton,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Felsőszentmárton

2 bed Property for sale

House in Felsőszentmárton, Baranya, Hungary

$23,396 | £16,829 | €19,360
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds

The house has a nice sturdy look and with some colour on the outside it will soon look fresher.

In the house the hall, two rooms, kitchen, and utility room, bathroom and a separate toilet. Owner has already replaced some electrics, but a lot still needs to be done.

Plot is 3,160 m2 and in the garden some outbuildings / barns.

Electricity and water are available. For drainage there is a septic tank. The house can be heated with stoves. Telephone and Internet can be connected.

Felsőszentmárton is a medium-sized town in southwestern Hungary. Located 1.5 km from the river Drava and 20-25 km from the larger towns of Barcs and Szigetvár where you can do all the better shopping, but also go to a swimming pool (also thermal bath), to a restaurant, a terrace etc. For golf enthusiasts there is the beautiful golf course of Hence at 40 km.

This part of the Croatian-Hungarian border area is part of the "Iron Curtain" route, an international cycle route network.

Solid house with possibilities.

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