Property For Sale Felsőrajk,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Felsőrajk

1 bed Property for sale

House in Felsőrajk, Zala, Hungary

$38,671 | £27,817 | €32,001
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 1Beds

Upon entering you step into the living room and from there you go to the bedroom, the kitchen and a storage room. From the kitchen you enter the bathroom.

The plot is 1,411 m2 and there is an outbuilding / barn.

Facilities such as electricity and water are available. There is a connection to the sewerage system for drainage. House is heated with wood stove. Connecting the internet and telephone is not a problem.

You will find this house in Felsőrajk. 800 people live here and you can do your daily shopping in the village. Is 18 km from Zalakaros which is known for the thermal bath. Felsőrajk is located west of the Kis Balaton. A beautiful nature reserve where you can enjoy walking and cycling. The town of Keszthely is located at a distance of 28 kilometers and you are already at Lake Balaton. Keszthely has a pleasant center with many terraces and restaurants, the market, the castle, all the major chain stores and of course lake Balaton.

For this money it is a nice opportunity to make it your holiday home, although permanent living could also be fine.

Price is in Euro

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