Property For Sale Edelény,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Edelény

2 bed Property for sale

House in Edelény, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hungary

$60,350 | £43,412 | €49,940
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds

It is not immediately visible on the photos, but there is quite a lot of space in the house. Here you will find the living room, 2 bedrooms, the kitchen, toilet and bathroom. Under the house a dry cellar of no less than 30 m2.

The plot is 1.456 m2 and there is a well and two barns. You can park in the garden.

The house was renovated in 2007 and you can live here for the first few years without renovations. The roof was tin 2007 replaced and the house was insulated at the back. Electricity and water pipes were all renewed at that time.

Electricity, water and gas are available. For drainage there is a connection to the sewerage system. The house can be centrally heated with a gas-fired boiler. Connecting telephone and Internet is no problem.

This house is located on a quiet road at the end of Edelény which is a small town in the north. About 11.000 inhabitants living here and you can of course do your shopping very well, but also do sports, go to a restaurant, go shopping or have a drink on a terrace.
Kazincbarcika with a beautiful swimming pool is located 10 km from Edelény. The caves of Lillafüred are only 20 km away. The town of Miskolc is at a 25 km.

Space and tranquillity and still the conveniences of the city nearby. Come and have a look.

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