Property For Sale Drávafok,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Drávafok

3 bed Property for sale

House in Drávafok, Baranya, Hungary

$18,205 | £13,095 | €15,064
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 3Beds

Structure of the house is quite good. It is built of stone with loam interior walls. You enter into the hall and then there is the living room on the right and three bedrooms on the left. Behind the hall there is the kitchen and the bathroom. Next to the house a storage room and the garage. A cellar under the house.

The plot is 2,141 m2 and space to live self-sufficiently.

Electricity and water are available. For drainage there is a septic tank. For heating you will have the wood stove. Connecting a telephone and/or Internet is no problem.

Drávafok is a village in southwestern Hungary. About 500 inhabitants living in the village and you can do your daily shopping there. There is also a doctor's post, pharmacy and a kindergarten. Located 20 km from the Szigetvár where you can find all major shopping chains, but also go to a swimming pool (also thermal bath), to a restaurant, a terrace, etc. You will also find a thermal bath in Sellye at 7 km from Dravafok. For golf enthusiasts there is the beautiful golf course of Hence at 35 km.

Here you can buy a nice house for a good price.

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