Property For Sale Drávafok,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Drávafok

4 bed Property for sale

House in Drávafok, Baranya, Hungary

$47,130 | £33,902 | €39,001
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ForSale SqFt Area 2Baths 4Beds

The house offers you the living room, kitchen, bathrooms (2), kitchen and 4 bedrooms. Beautiful large house.

The house was equipped with insulated windows and doors in 2016 also the bathrooms were renewed. A new central heating (stove) was installed in 2020.

On the plot of 1,624 m2 some outbuildings and 2 garages.

Facilities such as electricity and water are available. For drainage there is a connection to the septic tank. The house is centrally heated on a wood fired stove. Connecting telephone and Internet is no problem.

Drávafok is a village in southwestern Hungary. About 500 inhabitants living in the village and you can do your daily shopping there. There is also a doctor's post, pharmacy and a kindergarten. Located 20 km from the Szigetvár where you can find all major shopping chains, but also go to a swimming pool (also thermal bath), to a restaurant, a terrace, etc. You will also find a thermal bath in Sellye at 7 km from Dravafok. For golf enthusiasts there is the beautiful golf course of Hence at 35 km.

Great house for more families.

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