Property For Sale Dövény,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Dövény

1 bed Property for sale

House in Dövény, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hungary

$20,261 | £14,575 | €16,766
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 1Beds

The house has a new roof, new electricity and water pipes and a new bathroom. A good start has already been made and it is up to you to finish it. Take a look at the stove and the beautiful beamed ceiling.

In the house the living room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom.

The plot is 1,327 m2.

Facilities such as electricity and water are available. For drainage there is a connection to the sewerage system. The house is heated with the stoves. Connecting a telephone and/or Internet is no problem.

Dövény is a village in the "high" north where about 250 inhabitants live. Small mountain village. The larger towns in the area are Putnok and Edelény at 23 km and a little further (at 40 km) the city of Miskolc. You live here not far from the Slovakian border. Košice, is well worth a visit.

Nice house with beautiful authentic details.

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