Property For Sale Csömend,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Csömend

3 bed Property for sale

House in Csömend, Somogy, Hungary

$38,925 | £28,000 | €32,211
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 3Beds

The house is fairly neat but definitely needs to be modernized. Here you have the hall / living room, three bedrooms and a kitchen. Furthermore, the bathroom and separate toilet.

The plot is no less than 3,630 m2 in size and very wide. On the plot several outbuildings, a cellar and the former stables. There is also a well.

Water and electricity are available. Gas can be connected from the street. For drainage there is a connection to the sewerage system. The house is heated with wood stoves. Connecting internet and/or telephone is no problem.

House is in a quiet street of Csömend is one small village of around 300 inhabitants where you can well do the daily shopping and otherwise there is Marcali at 6 km with Penny, Lidl and Tesco. In Marcali a (thermal) bath which is definitely worth a visit during summer. That is of course also Lake Balaton. Csömend is just 6 km from Marcali and 17 km from Lake Balaton.

Nice house not far from the Balaton.

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