Property For Sale Borsodnádasd,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Borsodnádasd

5 bed Property for sale

House with a lot of space.

$29,282 | £21,064 | €24,231
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ForSale SqFt Area 2Baths 5Beds

The property consists of 2 floors and downstairs there is the garage, a corridor and the stairs, kitchen, bathroom and 2 bedrooms. Upstairs there is again the hallway / stairs, bathroom and four rooms. Lots of space. The upstairs rooms all have a balcony.

The plot is 900 m2 and there is a well-kept garden. At the end of the garden there is a stream. An outbuilding is in the garden,

Facilities such as gas, electricity (also 380V) and water are available. For drainage there is a septic tank. The house is centrally heated on a wood-burning stove.

Borsodnádasd is a small town (3,500 inhabitants) located in the north, not far from the Bükk national par. Ideal environment for hunting, walking, hiking, mountain biking, etc. Szilvásvárad (known for its horses) is more than 10 km away and here various restaurants and options to go out (eat). A little further, at a distance of 30 km, is the beautiful city of Eger, where a visit to the centre with the basilica and the castle is certainly worthwhile.

Nice house with lot of space and opportunities.

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