Property For Sale Bátonyterenye,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Bátonyterenye

1 bed Property for sale

House in Bátonyterenye, Nógrád, Hungary

$47,325 | £34,043 | €39,162
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 1Beds

The house offers you the hall, living room, bedroom, kitchen, (separate) toilet and bathroom.

The garden is 1,780 m2 and well maintained. Garden is completely fenced and there are several fruit trees. In the garden another building of 22m2 which can serve as a shed, but can also be converted into a guest room.

The property has a solid foundation and is in good order. Roof construction can last for years to come.

Facilities such as electricity and water are provided for. Gas is present in the street. For drainage there is a connection to the sewerage system. The house is heated by a (wood fired) central heating system. For the colder evenings in the spring and late season there are infrared ceiling plates. Connecting telephone and internet is no problem.

About 12,000 people live in Bátonyterenye, which makes it a larger city. You will find this house in Maconka, a quiet neighbourhood. The internationally known Lake Maconka is a 10-minute walk away and St. Imre's Chevice Spring is a 5-minute walk away. The Church of the Assumption in Szentkút is a minor basilica. The Mátra is 15-20 km from the house.
Beautiful hiking spots in the immediate area of Bátonyterenye. Forests, streams, lakes, wildlife. Everything can be found here.

Nice house where you can move in soon.

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