Property For Sale Abaújszolnok,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Abaújszolnok

Property for sale

Building land in Abaújszolnok, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hungary

$20,649 | £14,853 | €17,087
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ForSale SqFt Area 0Baths 0Beds

Is 6 lots with a total of 15,382 m2. On one of the lots is also a house, but it must be renovated.

The area is ideal for nature lovers. In this environment, you make long walks, but also for motorcycle riding and mountain biking is very popular. You can spend hours driving around. Here time stood still.

The village was a bit behind, but thanks to the efforts of the municipality the village started an upswing. Here and there are several innovations and new residents are coming in. Future looks better. The village has about 200 people and the shopping you must do in the next village or town.

Area is not rich (anymore). In earlier days though because the industry places Miskolc and the Slovak Kosicse. The M3 is a 30 minutes and also in Miskolc you in 30 minutes. You should definitely take a visit to Kosice. A beautiful city in Slovakia with a nice centre.

Nice investment opportunity.

Price is in Euros

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