Property For Sale Ózd,Hungary

For sale by real estate agent - Ózd

1 bed Property for sale

Apartment in Ózd, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén, Hungary

$27,125 | £19,512 | €22,446
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ForSale SqFt Area 1Baths 1Beds

In the centre of Ózd you will find this apartment in a block of flats. Is in excellent condition with new windows and doors, laminate and neatly painted.

In this area there are good possibilities to rent out and for this apartment a rent of 50 – 60,000 forints per month can be realized.

Apartment consists of the living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and terrace.

Facilities such as gas, water, electricity and sewage are available. There is central heating. Connecting telephone or Internet is no problem.

Ózd is a city with over 30,000 inhabitants and all the conveniences of a large city are there. You can go there to all larger retail chains. Szilvásvárad, which is known for its horses, is 15 km from Ózd. The city of Eger is just 30 km away and offers a very pleasant centre. For water lovers, there is Lake Arló which is 6 km from Ózd.

Nice apartment as your base in (northern) Hungary or as an investment.

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