Property For Sale San Pedro,Belize

For sale by real estate agent - San Pedro

2 bed Property for sale

2 Bedroom Tulum Style House

$255,000 | £183,430 | €211,014
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ForSale 810 SqFt Area 2Baths 2Beds

This 810 square foot modern Tulum style architecture home has 2 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms. The house is part of a new community near Belize Secret Beach "Habitat Belize". This home design has a total interior square footage of 810 feet, a large courtyard, and a pool. It is an exciting opportunity to be part of a new off-beach community in a luxurious Tulum-style home. The creative architecture combines the area's natural 'habitat' incorporating trees and landscaping that are local to the island. The home is a full concrete build and the price includes all of the off-grid utilities (solar panels, generator, concrete cistern, and septic system). The home design and price is fully self-sustaining. 

The lot measure 75 feet x 100 feet (7,500 square feet) which leaves plenty of additional space on the land for an additional house, guest suite, or large yard. The "Habitat Belize"  community is located under a mile from Secret Beach and the West Coast. This home is one of the community pre-approved home designs. 

Purchasers are also able to take advantage of seller financing. The home site itself is $50,000 with 20% down financing available. This allows the owner to allocate more towards the build which has an estimated construction cost of $200,000. 

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