Property For Sale Hurghada,UK

For sale by real estate agent - Hurghada

Property for sale

studio Hurghada

$35,450 | £25,500 | €29,335
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ForSale 39 SqFt Area 1Baths 0Beds
Located in Villages Road district, 13 km from Star Fish Restaurant, this resort features views of the sea from the resort and has a private beach for residents use.
The Studio Apartment has a view of the pool and aqua slide it is located on the ground floor and has easy access.
The apartment has plumbed in sink with taps and marble countertop. The new owner would just need units and a hob we can
provide a furniture pack too.(Additional Cost)
The floors of the apartment is fully tiled and the walls have lighting so does the ceiling. Additionally the ceiling has architectural design and hidden mood lighting.
The large studio leads to a balcony area and a small garden area with plants. From the balcony the view is directly of the pool.
And turning towards the left on the balcony the view is of the SEA.
The bathroom are extremely tastefully furnished with glass screen for the shower, excellent quality ceramics for the toilet & sink and lovely
floor and wall tiles. The apartment is very desirable and a great location.

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