Property For Sale Hurghada,UK

For sale by real estate agent - Hurghada

2 bed Property for sale

2 beds apartment Hurghada

$49,738 | £35,778 | €41,158
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ForSale 83 SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds
Save a whopping £5500 on this two bedroom apartment.

At Arena Blanca, on the second floor we have this apartment comprising of
2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lounge, open plan kitchen area , terrace total area of 83 msq.

10% reservation
24 monthly installments
10% Maintenance Fee once only December 2023

Other payment plan options are also available.
Enquire for further details.

Apartment ready December 2023.

When you buy a home in Arena Blanca, you are buying more than a beautiful house in a perfect setting, you are buying into Arena Blanca at Magawish Hurghada life.
A life in which the sun always shines, the water
is always turquoise, children are always safely entertained and everyone wears a smile. cozy people from around the world have already chosen Arena Blanca as their permanent or holiday home. The result is a unique combination of beauty, nature, and a thriving community.
Our cozy compound built a new experience for boutique compound serve all your needs with 4
acre land plot with built up area 20% and 80% mix use between amenities and landscape with water

At Arena Blanca the commercial area offers a variety of shopping and dining facilities, a clinic, pharmacy and supermarket, providing a combination of practical amenities and luxury services.
Experience family gatherings in a one of a kind community space that is only a short walk away from your home.

EGP PRICE 954,500
2 Bedroom Apartment