Property For Sale villena,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - villena

4 bed Property for sale

4 beds Country House villena, Alicante

$216,312 | £155,601 | €179,000
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ForSale 160 SqFt Area 1Baths 4Beds
It is a country house 10 minutes from a car from Villena and 3 minutes from Cañada, this place is ideal to live,
All the comforts, light, drinking water and irrigation.
It has the kitchen and bathroom recently renovated, four rooms with lots of light and spaces.
Pool and more than 13,000mts plot.
All privacy one step from the core of Cañada.
If you want a place to enjoy your life, this is your home.50 minutes from Alicante, beach and airport
Fire place