Property For Sale valladolises,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - valladolises

4 bed Property for sale

4 beds finca valladolises, Murcia

$506,340 | £364,227 | €419,000
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ForSale 280 SqFt Area 2Baths 4Beds
18000m2 finca.

A two storey building. The top floor house has  4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with large kitchen, living room with fireplace, central heating (gas).Fantastic views!!

The ground floor has a big room,a kitchen and a fireplace and a "horno moruno" type fireplace/chimney for cooking outdoors.. There's an area with pine trees, olives and lemon trees, plus a football pitch, a reservoir and 2 swimming pools.

Mains electricity; water from the "transvase", and also delivered to the "aljibe" type deposit.

Easy access with decent local roads. Near main roads and motorways. Only a few minutes drive from the International airport. Nearest good beaches about 30 minutes away.