Property For Sale valladolises,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - valladolises

4 bed Property for sale

4 beds finca valladolises, Murcia

$90,628 | £65,191 | €74,995
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ForSale 156 SqFt Area 2Baths 4Beds
Finca surrounded by fields and country lanes.

Good size plot on a well connected lane.

House and garage are set at rear. Aljibe in garden. garden area (overgrown), and even a swimming pool type construction.

needs work: only structure is built: large house with several bedrooms, chimney in living room. Interior patio with vines. Two storeys. Big terrace with arches. Very big garage with pit. At side/rear  storage areas and animal pens available. Roof top solarium.

Mains electricity available. Water from Tajo-segura available.(not drinking water)

Could make a fantastic home and/ or business .