Property For Sale tibi,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - tibi

1 bed Property for sale

1 beds Country House tibi, Alicante

$89,425 | £64,326 | €74,000
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ForSale 80 SqFt Area 1Baths 1Beds
Beautiful country house of 80m2 with living room and kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom, large terrace where you could partially close and make another room and make the largest living room, storage room of 23m2, electricity and drinking water, plot of 825m2 fenced, only 600 meters from the bar and bus stop, 4 minutes from the town of tibi to 7 from the town of Castalla, 25 minutes from Alicante city, beach and airport.

If you have any questions on this or other properties please feel free to contact us.
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