Property For Sale Teulada,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Teulada

3 bed Property for sale

3 beds Villa Teulada, ALICANTE

$513,591 | £369,443 | €425,000
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ForSale 154 SqFt Area 2Baths 3Beds
You are looking for a quiet environment with the cosmopolitan world only 2 kilometres away. A villa that appeals because everything is on one level, with a large swimming pool on the patio. The living room with American full kitchen and integrated breakfast table provide a cosy atmosphere. The prominent Pellet burner uses radiators to heat the entire house. The bedrooms are placed on both sides of the living room to form a cosy patio. With the generously sized swimming pool behind it, this gives an intimate atmosphere. A private driveway for two, three vehicles, a large storage room, a beautiful natural-irrigating garden make this wonder on earth. Come and taste this atmosphere and enjoy the pleasant appearance of this Villa.
Pool Own
Central Heating