Property For Sale tallante,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - tallante

4 bed Property for sale

4 beds finca tallante, Murcia

$268,276 | £192,979 | €222,000
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ForSale 150 SqFt Area 2Baths 4Beds
Access via tarmacced roads to this 8600m2 finca

Currently unfenced.

There's a spacious house of 150m2 within the plot.

The house has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and faces east, so sunny in the morning time.

Detached house with loft and other outbuildings.

Reformed- so modern in appearance.See the photos!!

Spacious enclosed patio with car access, with a porch and barbecue area.

High up, so offers excellent views.

Just 15km from Cartagena, 25kms from the nearest international airport, and only 15 kilometres from the beaches of Islaplana or la Azohia.

Call today for more info
Residents parking
Mountain views