Property For Sale tallante,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - tallante

4 bed Property for sale

4 beds finca tallante, Murcia

$72,386 | £52,070 | €59,900
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ForSale 235 SqFt Area 2Baths 4Beds
Within a small hamlet, part of a village with a first-class restaurant, bakery, primary school, bus service, and doctors surgery, this huge country house has a front garden, a big garage, and a plot just opposite, across the lane.

The house and garage are 235m2, all on paper, ready to reform and adapt into your new country home.

Water connected and electricity just needs turning back on! 

The plot is 3000m2, plenty for creating a vegetable garden or even having animals!!

Great opportunity to buy a typical country finca in this well known village just 10 minutes drive from the historic port city of Cartagena (the town hall is here, too), or 20 minutes from the beaches of Mazarron!!
walking distance to ammenities