Property For Sale tallante,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - tallante

2 bed Property for sale

2 beds country house tallante, Murcia

$102,718 | £73,889 | €85,000
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ForSale 80 SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds
Country cottage, ideal for a couple or small family looking for rural residence!!

Easy parking.

Mainhouse has 2 entrances. One entrance is down a few steps into a huge room from which a door leads into another living room. Off this living room there is a bedroom on each side, and also a spacious kitchen with a wood burner, too. Off the main bedroom and connecting to the utility room to be found just next to the kitchen, there's a very big bathroom!! The kitchen is fully fitted and equipped.

From the back door of the kitchen you come to a terrace, completely enclosed, divided into 2 sections. From here there are stairs down to the neighbouring lane.

Just a 25 minute drive to the beaches of Mazarron or the historical port city of Cartagena.

Nearest supermarket is just a 5 minute drive in the neighbouring village, but locally you have one of the best restaurants in the region!!

Call today for a visit!!
Mountain views