Property For Sale Periana,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Periana

3 bed Property for sale

3 beds Chalet Periana, Malaga

$163,141 | £117,352 | €135,000
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ForSale 120 SqFt Area 1Baths 3Beds
This easy living one level Chalet style Country house to renovate that we find near the town of Periana in the Axarquía region of the Malaga province in Andalucia, Spain, with easy access by road. There are most impressive views of the mountains, having a 120m2 build with 3 bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room with a fireplace and a kitchen. There is a garage, a garden with a sunny terrace, a private pool for irrigation or use as a pool with some alterations. It has another additional house with 2 bedrooms, a living room, a total plot of 6,322m2 of irrigated land, just 30 minutes from the coast, and an hour and a quarter from Malaga airport.
Close to Amenities
Fitted Kitchen
Ideal for Country Lovers
Private Pool
Private Terrace
Spectacular views
Sun Terrace
Water Deposit