Property For Sale Pegalajar,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Pegalajar

4 bed Property for sale

4 beds Town House Pegalajar, Jaen

$37,462 | £26,948 | €31,000
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ForSale 177 SqFt Area 2Baths 4Beds
This 3 storey terrace house on a quiet no through pedestrian street is crying out to be finished off. With first fix plumbing, soil pipes, new windows and doors, it is nearly there. On the ground floor enter into the living room with a further room behind planned to be the kitchen diner with door to the outside. Stairs lead off this up to three bedrooms and a bathroom and further stairs up to the open roof with plans for a studio flat with bathroom and stairs to go up to the roof terrace which has spectacular views. Outside stone steps lead up to a larger flat area for a patio. This house is on the same terrace as TH4647 suitable for friends to buy or for renting out one property and living in the other.
Close to Amenities
Renovation Needed
Roof Sun Terrace
Spectacular views