Property For Sale Palenciana,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Palenciana

2 bed Property for sale

2 beds Town House Palenciana, Cordoba

$48,278 | £34,728 | €39,950
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ForSale 80 SqFt Area 2Baths 2Beds
This property would make a great holiday base or home for two, set in the heart of the pretty town of Palenciana close to all the local amenities and with good access to the motorway for visiting Cordoba, Malaga, Granada, & Seville. Inside the property opens to a small reception room with storage under the stairwell and on to a central living room, shower room and kitchen dining area which has plenty of room for a kitchen to be installed. The kitchen opens on to a private courtyard which is tiled throughout. On the first floor the stairwell leads to a sitting room with french doors to the front of the property, a hallway continues to a central bedroom and on to a master bedroom with en suite bathroom that opens on to a private terrace.
The property does need some modernising but is priced too sell !
Near Amenities
On Street Parking
Private Terrace