Property For Sale Osuna,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Osuna

6 bed Property for sale

6 beds Town House Osuna, Sevilla

$120,785 | £86,884 | €99,950
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ForSale 236 SqFt Area 1Baths 6Beds
This large Townhouse was constructed in 1920 and sits in the heart of the historical town of Osuna with cobbled streets and historical buildings this really is a fantastic property in a great location, within walking distance to all the local amenities Osuna has all the main large supermarkets, restaurants and hospital. The entrance is by large wooden studded doors that lead to various sitting rooms all with original floor tiles and onto a rear courtyard and bathroom. The first floor is spacious and has a second bathroom and various rooms for bedrooms and access to a terrace. The property is in need of modernisation throughout but would make a beautiful family home.
Near Amenities
Off Road Parking
Separate Diner
Storage Room
Utility Room