Property For Sale Osuna,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Osuna

5 bed Property for sale

5 beds Town House Osuna, Sevilla

$88,156 | £63,414 | €72,950
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ForSale 158 SqFt Area 1Baths 5Beds
This large townhouse is located in the historical town of Osuna just a short walk to all of the local amenities and surrounded by historical monuments and buildings, this property is in a lovely location. Inside a traditional entrance hall leads to various rooms on the ground floor and out to a private walled courtyard. On the first floor the stairwell leads to several large spacious bedrooms all of which are connected via a passageway. The property is in need of modernising throughout and has been priced accordingly, would make a lovely project for someone who has fallen in love with the beautiful town of Osuna.
Near Amenities
On Street Parking