Property For Sale Osuna,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Osuna

2 bed Property for sale

2 beds Town House Osuna, Sevilla

$84,591 | £60,849 | €70,000
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ForSale 86 SqFt Area 1Baths 2Beds
This 2 bedroom townhouse sits within the beautiful town of Osuna and is within easy walking distance to all the local shops, bar's and restaurants. Osuna also has its own hospital, schools and university. The property sits in a quiet street with a central entrance that leads to 2 front bedrooms on the left and right and on to a central lounge, this continues to the kitchen area which opens to a tiled patio area with exterior bathroom and stairwell to private terrace. Inside the lounge has a stairwell that leads to an open room with exposed beams and window to the front of the property. This property is in need of reformation but sits in a great location in a very popular town.
Fitted Kitchen
Near Amenities
Private Terrace