Property For Sale MUTXAMIEL,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - MUTXAMIEL

4 bed Property for sale

4 beds Country House MUTXAMIEL, Alicante

$482,171 | £346,841 | €399,000
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ForSale 290 SqFt Area 3Baths 4Beds
Nice country house in Mutxamiel (Alicante) of 290m2, the house has a ground floor and first floor with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room, terrace and kitchen. It has 1500m2 of fenced land with a garden, pool and mountain views. The area is very quiet. The location is 8 minutes from the city, 22 minutes from the airport and 25 minutes from the beach. If you have any questions, contact us. Thank you