Property For Sale MUTXAMEL,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - MUTXAMEL

9 bed Property for sale

9 beds Country House MUTXAMEL, Alicante

$948,633 | £682,382 | €785,000
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ForSale 700 SqFt Area 6Baths 9Beds
Finca in Muchamiel just 8 minutes from the beach, currently used as a hipica center, with stables and riding stables (on the tennis court) .also can be used as a B and B,With a total land of 14,000m2, this finca consists of 3 habitable houses, private pool, tennis court, garden, terrace, open parking for 10 cars, field of cultivation, solarium, barbecue area and 2 storerooms.Totally fenced and very good access from the road, located between Muchamiel and San Juan beach.
Fire place