Property For Sale Moraira,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Moraira

Property for sale

Villa Moraira, Alicante

$2,114,787 | £1,521,235 | €1,750,000
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ForSale 484 SqFt Area 4Baths 0Beds
This  ultra modern key ready sea view villa for sale in Moraira is situated in a beautiful location less than 5 minutes driving from the beach and Moraira and 15 minutes drive away from Calpe.The villa has is one of the best examples of contemporary Mediterranean architecture creating an abundance of geometry, light and space.The villa has a view In every room, the entrance of light has been optimized to maximize the comfort. The huge windowsof the lounge have nice views of the pool and landscaped garden.The villas have been designed to obtain the maximum privacy in the villa, pool and garden areas.Property features include: Underfloor heating, AC, double garage, games room, intelligent alarm system, infinity pool, illuminated grounds & elevator. The property comes furnished also. 
Air Conditioning Hot and Cold
open terrace
Covered terrace
construction year: 2020