Property For Sale Moraira,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - Moraira

3 bed Property for sale

3 beds Villa Moraira, ALICANTE

$299,696 | £215,581 | €248,000
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ForSale 169 SqFt Area 3Baths 3Beds
This plot is situated in an area with many modern villas, close to Moraira and has all infrastructure up to date. The plot will be sold with a building license in place. That means that you can start building your villa immediately. The project is for a villa of 169m2 with 3 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms a large terrace with private pool and sea views from the top floor. The construction is not included in the price. We estimate that building this villa will cost an additional 340.000, -- Euros. Plans and artist impressions are available on request.