Property For Sale MONOVAR,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - MONOVAR

3 bed Property for sale

3 beds Country House MONOVAR, Alicante

$300,904 | £216,450 | €249,000
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ForSale 325 SqFt Area 2Baths 3Beds
Nice country house of 325m2, on two floors, ground floor with different rooms and a terrace that can be transformed into a house with little money to rent, second floor, three bedrooms, living room, large kitchen with storage room, 2 bathrooms and large terrace , central heating , electricity and water , 5,000m2 plot all fenced , the garden is very easy to maintain , swimming pool , barbecue , just 5 minutes from the city of Novelda and Monovar a good area to live all year round , 30 minutes from the airport and 35 from the beach.