Property For Sale monovar,Spain

For sale by real estate agent - monovar

14 bed Property for sale

14 beds Country House monovar, Alicante

$119,637 | £86,058 | €99,000
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ForSale 600 SqFt Area 14Baths 14Beds
House of more than 100 years old, with a plot of 18,000m2 in the middle of nature surrounded by mountains and trees, the house has 600m2 ideal to build a BandB to have the business at home, the house is all to restore, it can be built 14 rooms with their bathrooms, common dining room and community kitchen, plus the owners? house with three bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room and kitchen, just 6 km from the city and 40 minutes from the airport and beaches